Welcome to Block2019

This is our attempt to build a scaleable blockchain.

You know how, we can spin up a server, choose a language and start developing a website or application, we want to build the same experience as in this new blockchain era.

Ethereum has a built a world computer, where you can “spin it up “ and build Dapps on it, but its not as simple as it sounds.

So we want to help research and build something like ethereum, both by contributing proposals to ethereum , but also building our own chain.

So our vision is for a person to wake up, thinks of an idea or ideas, spins up a blockchain instance or whatever we shall call it and , then spins up the rest, whether its servers or anything else required and have a world-class application for example a game or a word processor or calculator out there harnessing the world’s computing power or hash power what ever we shall call it.

From this you can already tell the proposal for such a system is still an experiment as Vitalik usually puts it, but hopeful, we shall pull it off.

We started out with a blank page but have chosen this direction after a series of readings and research. We have chosen the name “Block2019”, simply because we are starting like a few days from 2019, so why not, its almost like looking into the future .

Most of our work will be borrowing many things from the Ethereum project as its the most advanced computing based blockchain out there. We shall be open for contributions especially in terms of codebase.

Currently am working alone on this project and am still waiting for more people with whom i can build this. Am doing this as a night project since i can’t quit my job, since i need to pay bills and eat food to develop the project.

We shall be accepting donations to







Hopefully , if we raise enough funds we shall do it full time with the team on board and maybe get a location.

email me: block20191@gmail.com twitter : https://twitter.com/Block20191 Website(for now): https://block2019.github.io/ Blog : https://medium.com/@amonte
